Living Rock Church is based in the heart of the UK, and we’re passionate about expressing the love of God in our locality.
Our vision is to go into “all the towns and villages… preaching the good news of the kingdom” (Mt 9:35).
But we also want to be a church where all our members are involved in a worldwide, apostolic vision. We see our mission as extending God’s Kingdom “from the heart of the nation…to the ends of the earth” and we seek to help and equip every member find their place and play their part, using their God-given gifts and talents to the full. We reach out into our local communities through a variety of volunteer-led projects, initiatives and ministries, many of which are designed to support children and youth, parents, marriage and families.
Overseas, we work closely with churches in Kenya, support education and humanitarian projects in Zambia and the Philippines, and through our wider church family we have close ties with apostolic teams working in Norway, India, North America and elsewhere. Our overriding passion and vision is to see the Church built on firm foundations, filled with the fullness of Christ, and bringing glory and honour to God!
What we see...
We believe the church is beautiful, victorious and the bride of Christ!
We see an unshakeable church, taking its place in an unshakable Kingdom!
We see a church built on firm foundations – on Jesus, the Living Rock. We see a church seeking first the Kingdom. We see a church whose worship brings pleasure to God and unlocks the treasures of heaven. We see a church of strength, security and stature, an anchor of hope in a shaking world…”

We see a church demonstrating unity and community
Thousands of people of diverse backgrounds, united in Christ. We see a church where members honour and love one another, expressing unusual harmony. We see a church where gathering together is a priority, and the Lord commands His rich blessing. We see a church where every person can find their place, play their part and fulfil their destiny…”
We see a church growing every day in every way
We see a Kingdom without limits and a harvest without precedent. We see a body mobilized for the mission, reaching out to the towns and villages with passion and compassion. We see a church bursting at the seams, establishing many other congregations and gatherings, and expressing its Kingdom-life from the heart of the nation to the ends of the earth…”
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