Sundays at 10am in Stoney Stanton, 10:30am in Market Harborough & Leamington Spa, 3pm in Atherstone. Get Directions or Contact Us.

We're a church with history...

A history that we're proud of! Many generations of faithful men and women who have courageously followed Jesus with a passion to see His church built on strong foundations and meeting the needs of the world.

Kingdom expansion in the Midlands

Our story so far has been one of growth, planting, blessing and faithfulness. We've seen thousands of lives changed and transformed by Jesus and many communities impacted. We're thankful for solid foundations, for devoted leadership and for friends and family across the UK and overseas who we are walking alongside and working with.

The story so far

30 years and counting...

There's been LOADS of highlights, celebrations, growth-moments and milestones over the last 30 years, and we can't wait for the next season! God is doing something amazing in our region and we're excited to play our part in seeing His Kingdom come.

Mid 1990's

Leicester Christian Fellowship Plant-Outs

In the mid 90's two churches were planted out from Leicester Christian Fellowship - Covenant Life Church and Rock of Life church. Both shared Apostolic and Prophetic foundations and both were part of a wider church ‘family’ - Covenant Ministries International and Ministries Without Borders. Both churches saw growth in Hinckley and Broughton Astley where they were meeting.


Joined together

In 2001 Covenant Life Church and Rock of Life Church joined together to form Living Rock Church. Each church shared the same vision, values and history and wanted to now share people and resources as we reached our area.


New base in Stoney Stanton

We were able to purchase an old factory that would then be renovated and changed into a place of worship. We did it all without borrowing any money from the banks! God has been faithful and blessed us over the years.


Plant Out into Coventry

Matthew & Ruth Ling, along with a team of others, began to focus their time and efforts into reaching the city of Coventry. City Church Coventry is still going strong today and we enjoy working together in the region alongside Covenant Life Church Leicester.


Established Living Rock Church Kenya

A God-inspired connection with William Okola and many subsequent visits have led to the establishing of a new church in Eldoret, Kenya. This has now grown to 15+ churches and an expanded team of leaders.


Beginnings in Market Harborough

A Life Group meeting in Market Harborough turned into a fortnightly Sunday evening meeting in Starbucks. After a short while this new church plant moved across to Meadowdale Primary School where it has been growing ever since.


Apostolic Recognition

In November 2018, David Lyon was prayed for and recognised in his Apostolic Ministry amongst us. We will always be grateful to God for the wonderful care and leadership of Keri Jones for many decades and Keri and David still work together across the UK.


Plant Out into Atherstone

In June 2022 we celebrated another plant out from Living Rock Church, this time into Atherstone, primarily led by Ovi & Laura Vlaicu with the support of Mike & Lauren Shuter. The previous Tamworth group became a part of the work into Atherstone.


Plant Out into Royal Leamington Spa

Throughout 2024 Benj & Kim Lyon started meeting with a group of people in Leamington Spa to share their heart and vision for a new expression of church in the town. They sold their house in Market Harborough and moved to Leamington and began meetings in their homes.

Want to hear more of our story? 👇

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A chance to hear more about our beliefs, vision, history and future.

The important stuff

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Who We Are

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What We Believe

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Where we're going

What does the future look like? What are we building?

Find Your People

We celebrate the fact that we are an increasingly diverse church, made of people from all ages, stages, backgrounds, races and workplaces. Whoever you are, you can find your people here.

What Next?

Explore the most common next steps below...

Catch up on Sunday messages

You can watch and listen again to all previous Sunday messages here.

Find out more about who we are

Discover a bit more about us, what we believe, our history and future.

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