Sundays at 10am in Stoney Stanton, 10:30am in Market Harborough & Leamington Spa, 3pm in Atherstone. Get Directions or Contact Us.

We are one church in multiple locations

No matter where you find Living Rock Church you should experience the same things - a warm welcome, real community, authentic worship of Jesus, happy children, genuine love and care, and biblical truths being communicated in lots of ways. Each congregation may have it's own unique ways of doing things, but at the heart we share one vision and one mission, to express authentic church for the towns and villages.

We're here for the towns and villages

God spoke to us many years ago about being a church 'for towns and villages'. He also said that our boundaries would be our starting places. This drives our decisions on where to plant churches.

We currently have four church congregations across the Midlands, with many smaller home groups that meet in towns and villages. There is also a growing work in Kenya with 18+ churches and counting!

Our passion and vision is to build great churches where every person can find their place and play their part, so that together we can extend God’s kingdom and fulfil our destinies “from the heart of the nation to the ends of the earth!”

Our locations

Where We Are

These are the current locations of Living Rock Church congregations

Stoney Stanton

Our centrally-location congregation is in Stoney Stanton, near to Hinckley and south of Leicetser.

Market Harborough

A family-focussed congregation on the border of Leicestershire and Northamptonshire.


A family-friendly, mulltinational congregation meeting at The OSCA Centre.

Leamington Spa

Our newest church congregation meeting in the beautiful Royal Leamington Spa.


We are joined with a fast-growing group of churches meeting in the east of Kenya.


Mini churches meeting together in homes throughout the weeks and weekends.

What Next?

Explore the most common next steps below...

Catch up on Sunday messages

You can watch and listen again to all previous Sunday messages here.

Find out more about who we are

Discover a bit more about us, what we believe, our history and future.

Plan a visit to one of our locations

Interested in coming along one Sunday? Let us know so we can look out for you.