Sundays at 10am in Stoney Stanton, 10:30am in Market HarboroughLeamington Spa, 3pm in Atherstone. Get Directions or Contact Us.

Authentic Church for the people of Market Harborough

Jesus loves Market Harborough and so do we! Join us on Sundays at 10:30am at Meadowdale Primary School and mid-week in homes across the town and surrounding villages.

Who we are

We're a vibrant, family-friendly, growing Christian church in Market Harborough.

Living Rock Church Market Harborough meets in homes throughout the week and at Meadowdale Primary School on Sundays. Jesus has changed our lives and we're passionate about seeing him change the lives of those in Market Harborough too!

About us

How we gather

Sundays at 10:30am
Meadowdale Primary School
Meadowdale Road
Market Harborough
LE16 7XQ

We believe that gathering as the church should be expressed 'from house to house' and 'in the temple courts'... i.e in homes and all together on Sundays. Each setting provides something different for followers of Jesus and each is vital as we grow together.

🏡 In Homes

We have a real passion for sharing our lives with one another; being open and honest about the things we struggle with and standing alongside each other when life gets tough! We meet in homes throughout the week and it’s a great setting to eat together, pray together and encourage one another.

🎉 On Sundays

We get together as a church family on Sunday mornings at Meadowdale Primary School. When we meet up we keep things simple – we’ll usually sing songs and worship Jesus together, and will spend plenty of time catching up and enjoying being together. Sometimes there will be a message to hear from someone, sometimes we’ll get the kids involved and sometimes we’ll pray for one another!

Fancy coming along?

Plan a Visit 👋

Let us know you're coming this Sunday!

Leadership Team

Leading the way...

There are many people that help to lead Living Rock Church, in various capacities. Below are some of the people who specifically give their time and energy into the church in Market Harborough.

Phil & Sharon Chapman

Phil and Sharon mainly give their time to helping look after the congregation that meets in Market Harborough, and provide leadership and pastoral care to the congregation there alongside Stephen and Mandy. They are also both involved in the worship team, amongst many other things!

Stephen & Mandy Russell

Stephen and Mandy primarily give their time and attention to caring for the congregation in Market Harborough.  Together they want to support and encourage the church family there.  Mandy also helps to lead the rapidly-growing children’s groups!


Some of the most common questions about Living Rock Church are here. If there's a question that you don't see an answer to, hit the contact button below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

What kinds of people are a part of this church?

The Bible teaches us that the Church is for everyone, no matter our upbringing, history, past mistakes or opinions of who God is. The Church is for all nationalities, all ages, men, women, nurses, teachers, politicians, home-schoolers, students, retirees, dog-lovers… whoever you are, Church is for you!

Do I need to be a Christian to attend?

Nope. We regularly have people visit us who are skeptical about Christianity and about Jesus, but are interested to find out more about what we believe. If you’ve ever had questions about life, faith, Jesus or Church then we’d love to meet you!

How long are services?

Sunday Celebrations usually last for 1-1.5 hours, but we always leave plenty of time before and after so that people can chat and catch up.

Will it be weird?!

Potentially…! We sing together, we read the Bible together, we pray for each other, sometimes people ‘speak in tongues’ and raise their hands in the air during worship… it might seem weird at first, but these are all things that happen naturally when the Church gets together and are often our human responses to the amazing things that Jesus is doing in our lives.

I have kids. What will they do?

Most Sundays we run HotRock – different groups for children of different ages that are designed to help them understand Jesus for themselves. Your children will feel right at home in our kids classes & creche, where they enjoy stories, games, crafts, and more! All of our volunteers are DBS checked and are passionate to make every child’s experience fun and exciting!

What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in. We’re not a church that has a special dress code.

Where do I park?

There is ample FREE parking when you arrive and we'll often have an amazing team of volunteers ready to welcome you and direct you as you pull up. Pop the venue into Google Maps and you'll find us!

What is a Life Group?

A life group is a small group of friends who meet up on a regular basis to eat together, support one another and share life together. Groups are usually made up of 6-12 people and they primarily meet in homes across the region.

How regularly do groups meet?

We encourage life groups to meet most weeks, but we know that life can sometimes be chaotic and busy! Many of our groups find times to meet together that work around family life, work life and social lives.

What happens in groups?

There are a wide range of life groups at Living Rock. Some are location-based, some are interest-based and some are formed around people in a similar life-stage to each other. Naturally, each group will look a little different but we encourage all groups to focus on several things no matter what/where it is: eating together, discipling one another and serving their local community.

What if I'm too shy to contribute?

We get it – joining a brand new group of people for the first time can be really intimidating! There’s no pressure to dive in head-first right from the beginning. We trust that over time strong relationships and friendships will form with others in the group and you’ll find a safe place where you can encourage others and be encouraged yourself.

The important stuff

Discover Living Rock Church

Learn more about who we are

Who We Are

Find out more about what kind of church we are.

What We Believe

Discover our core beliefs as a church.

Where we're going

What does the future look like? What are we building?

Find Your People

We celebrate the fact that we are an increasingly diverse church, made of people from all ages, stages, backgrounds, races and workplaces. Whoever you are, you can find your people here.

What Next?

Explore the most common next steps below...

Catch up on Sunday messages

You can watch and listen again to all previous Sunday messages here.

Find out more about who we are

Discover a bit more about us, what we believe, our history and future.

Plan a visit to one of our locations

Interested in coming along one Sunday? Let us know so we can look out for you.