Sundays at 10am in Stoney Stanton, 10:30am in Market Harborough & Leamington Spa, 3pm in Atherstone. Get Directions or Contact Us.

There's lots of ways to connect with us

Whether you've only just found us online or have visited in person you can connect with us and get plugged in to church life! You can explore some ways to do this below.

Let's Connect!

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If you'd like us to get in touch with more info you can fill in the digital Connect Card below

Get involved in church life

There's lots of ways to connect with Living Rock Church.

We love to meet visitors and new people and for everyone to feel they can get involved in lots of areas of church life. Here’s just a few ways that you can connect with us:

Join a team

Get stuck in to a serving team at Living Rock Church

Attend an event

Check our calendar for upcoming events for you and your family

Start a course

We run various courses for different life stages and needs

Discover discipleship

Ongoing growth as followers of Jesus, outworked in community

Try Alpha

4 weekly sessions where you can explore the Christian faith in an open-minded and welcoming environment

Contact the office

Got a question or need to speak to someone? Get in touch with us, we're always happy to help!

Find a Group

Life Groups are a core part of who we are and how we live life together

Engage Online

Catch up on messages, watch/listen to podcasts and access more resources for life

Visit on Sunday

Come along to any of our locations and experience a life-filled church service

Fill in a Connect Card

If you'd like to receive weekly updates from Living Rock Church and get more info about how to get connected you can fill in a connect card

What Next?

Explore the most common next steps below...

Catch up on Sunday messages

You can watch and listen again to all previous Sunday messages here.

Find out more about who we are

Discover a bit more about us, what we believe, our history and future.

Plan a visit to one of our locations

Interested in coming along one Sunday? Let us know so we can look out for you.