Sundays at 10am in Stoney Stanton, 10:30am in Market Harborough & Leamington Spa, 3pm in Atherstone. Get Directions or Contact Us.

Tools & Resources for everyone

A list of resources that we recommend that help with growing as a Christian.

Help at every stage

Tools & resources we recoomend

Take a look at the tools and resources we can recommend. Some are from Living Rock Church and others are from elsewhere.


LRC Grow

Our very own digital discipleship tool designed to put resources in your pocket that help you grow as a follower of Jesus.

Bible Reading

Bible App

The most famous Bible app for your phone on the planet, complete with daily verses, reading plans and the ability to share scriptures with friends.


Bible Project

"Our mission is to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus." The Bible Project is a digital tool that helps all ages understand the Bible.


HotRock Story Time

Helping parents discover that they are perfectly positioned to show their children the reality of a life with God and to empower them to have their own vibrant two-way relationship with him.


Today we pray

A series of 7 short audio prayers, one for each day of the week, that can guide us in our own prayer and give suggestions for how to pray. Read by David Lyon.


21 Questions

A podcast designed to help tackle 21 of the most commonly asked questions about life, faith and Christianity. In each episode our hosts take on one of these questions and chat about the answer in a relaxed, informal way.

What Next?

Explore the most common next steps below...

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