Sundays at 10am in Stoney Stanton, 10:30am in Market Harborough & Leamington Spa, 3pm in Atherstone. Get Directions or Contact Us.

Stories from people at Living Rock Church

A collection of real stories from the real lives of real people.

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December 15, 2024

Charlie's Story

Re-watch Charlie's story all about finding joy in Jesus despite difficult challenges.
February 28, 2025

Janet's Story

Janet has faced several difficult situations throughout her life, but everything changed when her daughter Claire introduced her to church. After attending an Alpha Course, Janet made the decision to follow Jesus, and hasn't looked back since!
February 28, 2025

Ruth was healed of Coeliac Disease

Ruth tells us about how she was healed by Jesus of Coeliac disease - a condition, according to the NHS, with no cure!
February 28, 2025

Scott's Story

Here's another video from The Light, featuring the wonderful Scott Russell! Scott made the tough decision to pull out of university, even though it had been a big dream of his for a long time. He struggled to see himself in a positive light, until he met Jesus! Scott and his wife, Megan, joined a church and discovered who Jesus was, and His plan for their lives. Soon after, Scott's whole perspective on life and himself changed, and he saw things the way Jesus sees things!
February 28, 2025

God provided for Steve & His Family

Steve shares this story from Christmas time, where he took a leap of faith and left his well-paid job after believing that it was the right thing to do, leaving him with no income. After Steve and his wife prayed, they experienced God taking care of them and their family in amazing ways; He provided them with money when they needed it, a fantastic new job and a new house! Steve also unexpectedly found a big payment slashed against all odds.
April 8, 2024

Luke's Story

Despite growing up in a Christian home, Luke decided that life as a Christian was going to be boring, inhibiting and full of rules. He spent 7 years trying to find satisfaction and fulfilment in partying, clubs and substances. One day he went to a funeral that changed everything...
April 6, 2018

We asked God to provide us with a car... AND HE DID!

Ian shares this story of how he prayed with his family that God would provide them with a car, after many years of not having one. Shortly after, out of no where, a couple approached them and offered to give them a car!

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