Different ways to engage with church and God
We have plenty of ways to stay connected and grow in your faith throughout the week. You can listen to past sermons, watch worship recordings, tune into our podcasts, and read our blog articles. No matter where you are, we’re here to help you stay engaged with God and our church community.

There's lots of ways to engage
It's so important that we can engage with God in lots of ways throughout the week. The links below will help you worship Jesus, feed on His word, think/meditate on important topics and grow in practical ways as a disciple.
Discipleship resources in your pocket
Welcome to the LRC Grow - the place to go to find tools and resources to help you learn, engage and grow as a follower of Jesus. We're using this platform to regularly add videos, podcasts, book recommendations, courses and more, all designed to further discipleship and facilitate growth throughout the week, not just on Sundays!